Tuesday, November 5, 2013

JRN 200 Alpha Phis Eat Dinner

A typical evening at AlphaPhi Sorority, all the girls will sit around on their laptops doing homework, waiting for dinner to be served by our wonderful chef Marsha.

Marsha is a great cook who makes lunch and dinner for the girls every single day. Each day it changes, and tonight the dinner she is serving up is tacos.

When Marsha makes tacos, she usually puts out chicken, beef, and Mexican rice.

Usually when this dish is served, she adds nacho cheese and tortilla chips on the side, or the occasional Mexican bean dip.

 Marsha likes to surprise the girls sometimes with a special dessert, but does not tell anyone what it is.

Tonight will be very interesting to see what she makes for dessert. Tacos are one of the house’s favorite dinners made by Marsha. 

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