Sunday, November 17, 2013

JRN 200 Lowering Legal Drinking Limit Recap

Since testing for impairment follows arrest, not the other way around, enforcing such a law would be a hurdle. 

Christina Briones, from Troy, Michigan, said it could help reduce many car accidents and create revenue for the government. 

If the cops are cracking down harder than maybe people will change their minds about drinking and driving, Briones said.

Kat Amalfitano, from Traverse City, Michigan said, the lowering of the drinking and driving limit would be beneficial for Michigan because hopefully it would lower the number of deaths caused by drinking and driving. 

Both the two people from Michigan that I interviewed did not oppose the law being passed, and in fact encouraged the law to be made. 

JRN 200 Lowering Legal Drinking Limit

TheNational Transportation Safety Board is talking about cutting the legal drinking limit for driving down from 0.08 alcohol consumption level 0.05, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

The goal is to discover what other people think on this possible law change and get some information on the actual law. 

Interviews with residents of Michigan, Christina Briones and Kat Amalfitano can inform us on the public opinion of this possible law change. 

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety said the probability of a fatal crash increases steadily with increasing driver BAC. 

Fatal crash risk increases substantially after 0.05 percent BAC and climbs more rapidly after 0.08 percent. At all BACs, the fatal crash risk is much higher among 16-20 year-old drivers than among drivers 21 and older, according to the The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Jrn 200 The Aftermath of Dinner At The Phi House

The tacos that Marsha made were a hit. Everyone ate every last bit of the food she put out.

Everyone was waiting in line out the door before Marsha even put the food out for us.

She brought the tacos out with chicken, beef, and Mexican Rice. She ended up bringing out nacho cheese and tortilla chips, instead of Mexican bean dip.

Marsha brought out the dessert at the end of the dinner. She ended up making chocolate brownies.

Everyone ran to the desert table and devoured the brownies one by one.

At the end of the dinner, everyone went up to the living room and jumped on the couch; tired from all the food everyone ate.  

JRN 200 Alpha Phis Eat Dinner

A typical evening at AlphaPhi Sorority, all the girls will sit around on their laptops doing homework, waiting for dinner to be served by our wonderful chef Marsha.

Marsha is a great cook who makes lunch and dinner for the girls every single day. Each day it changes, and tonight the dinner she is serving up is tacos.

When Marsha makes tacos, she usually puts out chicken, beef, and Mexican rice.

Usually when this dish is served, she adds nacho cheese and tortilla chips on the side, or the occasional Mexican bean dip.

 Marsha likes to surprise the girls sometimes with a special dessert, but does not tell anyone what it is.

Tonight will be very interesting to see what she makes for dessert. Tacos are one of the house’s favorite dinners made by Marsha.